Month: April 2008



    Well, as I look at the date of my last entry, I realize how busy we've really been. I know some of you think you've been forgotten but that's not true. The fact is, we're pretty exhausted. It seems that the last couple of years (and old age) have begun to seriously catch up on us ... and we're thinking we might be in need of a major overhaul. =0)

    This being the case, it seemed like a good time to take a short break. So ... this past weekend, Brandi and I stole away for a 'sabbatical' retreat for couples in the ministry. We shared the weekend with folks we'd never met before ... four amazing 'staff' couples and seven other couples who work in the ministry in some way. We spent some amazing time sharing our hearts with one another, and studying and worshipping together. It's hard to believe that only four days could bring about such bonding but we were blessed to walk away feeling as if though we'd been friends for years .. and knowing that we've got a new support system that is sorely needed.  

    Sharing your heart always builds a bond. Of course, being closed up with 50 people in a room the size of a bathroom ... and spending time praying for protection ... will also make people close. Our group was at a retreat / conference center along with other groups who were there for various reasons. Saturday night, during our supper break, we were whisked away to the nearest 'shelter' because of a tornado coming our way. The dangerous color of the sky and the funnels coming down from the sky were all too familiar. We had just done this only a few nights before, in Granbury, where 12 tornadoes had touched down around us. Anyway ... we scrunched up tight into a little room of the conference center with about half of our group and many from another. The other group included quite a few little munchkins who didn't even seem bothered by the fierce, howling wind and the frightening pounding of the golf-ball sized hail that lasted more than thirty minutes. Thankfully, the damage was done on the outside of our place of shelter, rather than to the precious bodies contained within. The cars in the parking lot were not so lucky! We now have a beautifully dimpled SUV and a thankful heart that God's protective hand was on us.

    Even with our moments of adventure, we were able to experience a treasured time of peacefulness. The grounds were beautiful ... perfect for long walks and some photo opportunities.

    The art below is created from a photo I took inside a gorgeous little chapel there. It reminded me of the lovely little churches we used to visit in Estonia and Europe.

    Come to Me2_X

    And this one from a view along the road as we walked.

    MRN_Retreat '08-3_EPx